August 26, 2012

please sir... can I have some more?

We are back home from a lovely, relaxing few days of sea breezes (sadly not the cocktails) and the break has done us all good. Hubby and I even got a lunchtime date in! The little poppet - and his parents - have recovered from our trip to the emergency department and he's back to his delightful old self. He's getting so big these days... in certain photos, I catch a glimpse of him as a teenager... eek.

(photos by his papa... please excuse the background of dining room table chaos!)


  1. Classic adorable, precious. Glad you had a little break, we all need that from time to time, a change from the everyday. have a happy week ahead. Jane x

    1. yes indeed, sometimes a little change of scenery is all that's needed. Thanks Jane, hope you have a lovely week!


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xx joanna